True story. Years ago I was teaching a Bible study to women about the beauty of women. An associate pastor called me and asked to meet me where he proceeded to tell me that I could not use the book I intended to use because “women will hear this and want to take over the church.” Today as I type those words I’m almost 20 years older and wiser, but that day I remember feeling shame and grief, along with anger. It was asinine, in my mind, to think that women seeking God through scripture would want to take over the church. Ahh but he knew what I didn’t. It wasn’t a takeover that was stirring, but rather a breakout. As I read this on Easter Sunday, tears welled and my heart leapt. Men who acknowledge the value of women don’t become less masculine or overrun, they become respected and loved, friends and partners, trusted. Thank you for being willing to “be sent to the rack” for us.

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This might seem like an aside, but I am moved to also bring up the original meaning of the term "virgin" before Patriarchy, Inc. turned it into "a woman who has never had sex." We actually get this term from the Vestal Virgins, or women who were PRIESTESSES of the Goddess Vesta. The term refers to the way they completely devoted themselves to their work in service of their deity, and had nothing at all to do with sex. It just so happened that, as part of their vows, they did refrain from all sex, as sex outside of marriage was forbidden and severely punished in Rome. However, that word referred to their devoton to their role and duties, and not to the sex itself. It didn't take the most brilliant sleight-of-hand to shift that meaning over and commandeer it, which sort of killed two birds with one stone: It simultaneously hurt the status of women for the remainder of history, AND did the same with regard to Paganism as a whole.

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And if he sees his shadow do we have six more weeks of winter?

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