The invocation of David Bowie at the end got me! 💕 Suddenly that movie made sense!

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I love the way you write. You make me want to know more about God and I think that's what he wants also. If you wrote a 365 day book, I'd buy that a heartbeat. The Unholy Devotional!

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I learn so much from you. I love that you influence my faith in ways that I understand better and grow beyond conventional mainline beliefs. Thank you. The challenges are real.

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So Lamb: Or the Gospel According to Biff Jesus’ Childhood Pal, is as plausible as any other theory for the missing years.

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I can’t choose between the Labyrinth line or the Capricorn one. But this whole piece is fantastic (as always).

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These essays need to be gathered into a book. Everything in them is excellent food for thought and needs to be accessible for future reference. Also, I have wondered about the wise men myself. Everything accepted about them seems to come from "We three kings of Orient".

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Wow, great epiphany/theophany piece. In another life I was devote and demure, spent almost 5 years in a contemplative order. I understood that the Magi/wizards could only travel at night, stumbling along and then they slept during the day. So "progress" happened in the dark times and you hang out and rest in the sun when the stars are hidden. Now devoted to Her and have left the patriarchy behind, to quote another, 'my religion is love' All of us in the LA region are hanging on in the dark right now. Peace to you

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As a Labyrinth fan and a Capricorn, I enjoyed this one so much I subscribed. Thanks for the education, too!

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Oh my gosh, that Labyrinth reference!!!!! 🤣💀 Every time I think you can't impress me more with your writings you do.

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We need you to compile these and put them together in a book -- a FNM "Bible" if you will. These writings speak to me the way no other priest, minister or religious person has ever told me.

Thank you. ❤️

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Among all the references, I might have enjoyed the Chrono Trigger Gurus the most. Thank you for entertaining us in the midst of your educational writing.

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