I'd really prefer neither in my GOVERNMENT, but hey, that's just me.

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Have we peaked as a species? We live in a society where Entertainers/athletes make more money than teachers. The reality is Entertainment is more important than education. We are all somewhat complicit. It this reality we can’t be surprised when a Trump-like character gains popularity.

After Hitler’s death around 3,000 Germans committed suicide. Look it up; cyanide parties. They would rather die than live in a non-Hitler controlled world.

Has our species peaked? George Will said it best, “we usually get the President we deserve than the president we need”.

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OMG! Fr. Nathan, you are remarkable! I am in so awe reading your posts! How I wish I had your literary talents, alas, I'm better at doing odd jobs around the house, gardening, playing the piano, accordion, and being an obedient spouse (within reason) to my male partner. I am also in the process of creating my own Russian Orthodox chapel in my backyard so I can serve liturgies and all. (I am Hieromonk Nazarius (Nazary in Russian) from St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina, CA. where Fr. Seraphim Rose is reposed. You have been an inspiration to me in so many ways...Thank you for the courage and chutzpah you have shown me......keep up the good work!

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Wow wow wow. Always straight to the point. Thank you so much for this. I think your theory is excellent and your conclusion ON POINT.

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