Feb 16, 2023Liked by Father Nathan Monk

I really enjoyed this read, particularly the ongoing overlap between this series and my work (I'm not being a copycat, I promise!)

I liked your observation regarding the identity of the fruit in the Garden of Eden, especially your hunch that "pomegranate" is as good a fit as any for top candidate. Of course, since I just got done writing about the Tarot today, my mind gravitates immediately toward The High Priestess, Trump No. II in the Major Arcana. She is the archetypal virgin (in the classical sense of being singularly devoted to her calling, in this case as a vessel for the gods). Traditionally, the two columns behind her (marked with the letters B&J) are joined by a symbolic cloth symbolic of the Veil of Isis that is traditionally decorated with images of pomegranates. I like the idea that pomegranates are a tastier, more interesting (and more messy to eat, in a fun and carnal sort of way) fruit than the apple. I also think the relationship between pomegranates and the Fruit of Knowledge may be found in the myth of Persephone's annual descent into the underworld, abducted by Lord Hades. She was doomed to repeat the trip every year because she just had to eat while she was down there (she had been warned about this). Of course, both this myth and the general image and role of High Priestess can also be traced to the Cult of Ishtar/Inanna that once flourished in the region of Babylon.

I'm interested in hearing about this Schism. Can you imagine if the issue at hand were that of God's gender? Wow, what a mess that would be.

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Excitingly, the schism will be the focus of next weeks essay.

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I'll wait with bated breath.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Father Nathan Monk

“Instead, they had a “my bishop’s crook is bigger than your bishop’s crook” contest, and the world has suffered tremendously for it.” So it has. That was epic! Great read! This is so much more enjoyable than the religion class I took in college. 😘

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Father Nathan Monk

Great work! Excellent basic rendition of differences between Orthodox and Roman Catholics.! Keep up the good work!

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Father Nathan Monk

Thank you for sharing this and making this history engaging in a way I've not seen before. Already looking forward to the next installment!

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