And let's not forget that Jesus' family thought he was crazy; see Mark 3:21. That may be the least often repeated verse in the Gospels, which makes it my favorite verse.

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Jesus says, “Redundancy is a sin!”. Jesus says, “Let me say that again!”.

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I never understood Sunday school. It was obvious to me that Jesus had long hair, as did I, yet they were badgering me to cut my hair ,not going to my parents, but to me. My hair, my clothes, "Change. Fit in."

No thank you.

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Yeah, I see it now. The New Testament was my favourite and I get really pissed off about Easter. The thought that people celebrate the torture and murder of a kind man who cared...it’s put me at odds with Christianity. I just can’t. It’s too horrible.

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This is amazing and I love it!

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