Feb 7Liked by Father Nathan Monk

I was unaware of this incident, but I can see it as you retold the story. The worse part is that, as you say, I can see it playing out over and over again in real life. I am so frickin’ tired of bullies and being made to feel less than because I actually give a damn about others.

Thank you, Nathan

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Feb 7Liked by Father Nathan Monk

Perfectly said! How very sad when entitled people condescend and are only concerned with #1. Thank you for your commentary that should touch a nerve with everyone. ❤️

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Well put. And Will Wheaton was right on also. Enough of the abuse and disrespect. Time to follow Elmo's lead and try some caring and empathy. As my daughter put it the other day about her Boomer grandparents, "Grandma has always been a sort-of no-fun zone anyway." Time to fend for ourselves and own this next round. The boomers may be the powers that be for now, but it WILL end. We'll be left with leftovers, but I'm sure our generations will do better. We have to.

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Feb 7Liked by Father Nathan Monk

oh Father Nathan, what a healing balm your voice and your rage and your heart are. Thank you for articulating all of this, for helping so many feel seen and held. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...and I know you walk the talk. This is Sophie in Woodstock's mom...

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That whole situation hurts my heart. I don't watch regular television so I didn't see it and won't seek it out, but it was a huge miscalculation on his part and it was a mistake for him to double down afterwards. I can forgive miscalculations because I've made so many, but he needs to find his humility and humanity

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Our audacity to genuinely answer a question, when asked genuinely, runs absolutely across the grain of a society that speaks questions as statements, expecting either a trite scripted response or none at all.

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Well, sir, I am one of the first boomers (1946) and I'm near the end of my run. I've held a local office, and I am a county election judge. The lack of engagement by our younger people in our political system is disheartening. "I'll give you something to complain about..." has manifested itself in a septuagenarian candidate and an octogenarian President. We "old folks" want you non-participants to get out from under your Poor Me shroud and put on a whole bunch of Yes, ME! buttons. I've heard all of the arguments, from "I Can't Afford It" to "All Politicians are Corrupt." RUN! Thousands of people you don't know will donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to help you win, just because you're our political future. Corruption? Get in the game and stomp it out. Don't worry about your job. Someone you don't know will pay your bills. Get out there and put your beautiful young mind on the front page. Be a pioneer. Be a hero. Don't let flap-mouthed idiots get into office just because they were the only game in town. You can make us all better.

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I absolutely agree with everything said. And I want to thank you for including Gen X in this post. We are the forgotten generation. Sending love ❤️.

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